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If you can, please consider adding an additional donation to our #HampsteadAhead campaign, to help ensure a bright future for Hampstead Theatre - on and off stage, for artists and audiences, for years and generations to come. Thank you.


Waive benefits

You may choose to waive all the benefits of your Patronage (including complimentary tickets, programmes and Press Night invitations), allowing Hampstead Theatre to receive the full Patronage fee as a donation and claim Gift Aid on the entire amount (if it is paid from an eligible account).


Please let us know how you would like to be acknowledged in our Main Stage programmes and on our website. For example:

  • Mr John Cohen
  • Mr & Mrs Cohen
  • Mr John & Mrs Sarah Cohen
  • The Cohen Foundation
  • Anonymous

If you wish instead to make a donation, or purchase a new Friends membership or Patronage, please click here.


As a registered charity, Hampstead Theatre can claim Gift Aid on eligible donations, boosting your donation by 25p for every £1 you give. Please get in touch if you'd like to submit a new Gift Aid declaration, change your details or cancel a previous declaration if you no longer pay sufficient income and/or capital gains tax. Thank you.


All levels of memberships from Friends Plus and above comprise a benefits value indicating the actual cost of the membership to the charity. These benefits can be purchased separately at this price. Any amount given above this benefits value is given freely as a donation and is eligible for Gift Aid. All donations are non-refundable. Friends Plus Member: donation from £100; benefits £70 | Dress Rehearsal Patron: donation from £326; benefits £274 | Preview Patron: donation from £746; benefits £504 | Opening Night Patron: donation from £1,786; benefits £714 | Encore Patron: donation from £3,546; benefits £1,454 | Standing Ovation Patron: donation from £8,546; benefits £1,454. To discuss purchasing benefits separately, please contact the Development team on 020 7449 4174 or